

There are many hotels in Lodz. For your convenience we have prepared a list of hotels close to the EAEA12 Conference venue. They are in a walking distance (from 8 to 25 minutes). It is also possible to take a bus or a tram to the EAEA12 Conference venue - the stops are near the hotels.
You can check their location on the map.
We have negotiated discounted rates for EAEA12 participants in the hotels nearest to the EAEA12 Conference venue.
In order to book the room, please contact directly the hotel mentioning that you are participating in the EAEA conference organized at Lodz University of Technology. Please refer to the conference password while booking.
The hotels are listed in the alphabetical order.

HOTELS - a special offer for EAEA12 Conference
In order to book an accommodation based on special prices listed below, please contact a hotel directly and provide the “EAEA12-2015” password in your reservation.

List of hotelsRoom TypePrice/nightSpecial price
reservation only by
BreakfastCar park
(a day)
DoubleTree by Hilton****
ul.Łąkowa 29
Single/Double15% off
the Internet price
not included
(extra paid)
50 PLN
Holiday Inn****
Hotel Łódź
ul.Piotrkowska 229/231
Single250.00 PLNemail:
included30 PLN
Double285.00 PLN
Hotel Ibis**
Łódź Centrum
Al.Piłsudskiego 11
Single159.00 PLNemail:
Double179.00 PLN
Hotel Novotel****
Łódź Centrum
Al.Piłsudskiego 11a
Single260.00 PLNPDF form sent to:
Double290.00 PLN
Qubus Hotel*** Łódź
Al.Adama Mickiewicza 7
Single240.00 PLNemail:
Double290.00 PLN
Boutique Hotel's III
Al.Piłsudskiego 10/14
Due to numerous options, the offer for Boutique Hotel & Hostel is available in PDF.
Boutique Hostel
ul.Stefanowskiego 17
WiFi is free in the hotels.

last update: 12 April 2016 website by Mateusz Walczak