Theme & Call for Papers

Theme and Call for Papers


The concept of heritage has been evolving from the static preservation to the pro-active, from singular buildings into urban complexes, and from the objects showing the “beauty of the past” to those encapsulating the importance of multifaceted cultural values. In consequence, the scope of heritage and the range of necessary interventions have broaden dramatically.
The meaning of heritage and its perception in a democratic society is increasingly overlapping with spatial and economical problems. For example, the majority of current investments in Europe deals with existing built structures and areas, most of these being subject for heritage protection.
Such a situation exposes heritage to a number of new threats and calls for new solutions, reflecting the responsibility of present generations for the future of heritage, and the need for sustainability and resilience of urban renewal.
Following the mission of the European Architectural Envisioning Association, the conference is meant to be a platform for communication and exchange of experience, experimentation, research and collaboration in the field of envisioning built heritage. Taking into consideration that contemporary culture is largely based on the visual perception, heritage envisioning is in particular considered as a process of representing knowledge about space, time, behaviour, light, and other elements that constitute cultural environments. Therefore, we are looking for conference contributions which explore the Image, Perception and Communication of Heritage. Subjects may be, but not limited to:
• Visualisation of the heritage-related knowledge;
• Support for the analysis and design processes in the course of the heritage renewal;
• Methods of communicating the heritage issues to the society;
• Enhancing and stimulating heritage education;
• Envisioning all aspects of heritage perception.

Call for Papers

The EAEA12 Conference invites submissions of research papers which will be organised in three tracks, namely:

  1. THE IMAGE OF (INDUSTRIAL) HERITAGE. In the light of the campaign for announcing 2015 the European Industrial and Technical Heritage Year, and taking into consideration that the host city was one of the most important industrial centres of the 19th-century industrialisation in Europe, the conference will aim at exploring the role of industrial buildings and structures for the image of urban areas. Another related issue is the change or preservation of industrial buildings image in the re-use process. The papers discussing positive and negative connotations related to industrial heritage - such as “dark satanic mills” - are also welcome.
  2. PERCEPTION OF THE PAST. This track covers problems related to the changing meaning of heritage, including contextual, holistic and phenomenological approaches plus historic urban landscape protection. The envisioning of sensorial aspects; visible and invisible elements of a built environment; genius loci; social context; heritage interpretation as well as other associated topics should be discussed in the papers proposed for this theme.
  3. COMMUNICATION OF HERITAGE. This track is dedicated to different approaches to envisioning reflecting the specifics and requirements of research, design and education in the heritage domain. This may include issues such as visual impact analysis of new investments in heritage areas; heritage management; imaging as a tool and method in heritage studies for comparative analyses, proportion studies, development phases, state of preservation, etc. The question how to communicate the heritage issues to a society - including professionals and lay persons - would be also welcome.

We are looking forward to extended abstracts of 1000-1200 words in English. Only original papers - not published (or submitted for publishing / in press) before - will be accepted.
The deadline for abstracts submission is 10.11.2014.
The abstracts will be blind reviewed by peer reviewers. Accepted papers will be published in the proceedings with ISBN.
The detailed requirements will be announced to the Authors in due time. It is the ambition to have the printed proceedings available at the beginning of the conference.

last update: 12 April 2016 website by Mateusz Walczak